Life Demands Fitness — Be Prepared


Reclaim Your Primal Physicality

You have sacrificed your health and physique to chase your career and start your family.

That is okay.

But now, it is time to reclaim your health and Fitness.

As a busy high-achiever, you deserve a training solution that’s as dynamic and versatile as you are.

Get Fit, Get Lean, Get Primal

We’ve embraced the life of fitness and distilled it into an accessible, effective approach that fits seamlessly into your hectic lifestyle.

We coach people to regain their sense of physical agency and unleash their inner primal athlete.

Because Fitness Matters.

How can The Primal Way help you?

Self-Directed programs


Guided Coaching

Primal App

In-Person Coaching

Primal Studio

Want to reclaim your Primal Physicality?

Here is how to begin:

If you're in Brisbane, Apply to join the studio here:


If you're not in Brisbane, Join The App

PrimalThenics Studio Timetable

Where Champions are made or rediscovered

We've all been there, haven't we?

Staring into the mirror, feeling more like a sluggish sumo wrestler than the fit gladiator we once were.

Wrestling with time constraints, suffering from pesky injuries, and struggling under the weight of high stress – both metaphorically and quite literally!

you, the high-flying executive, seem to have been handed a raw deal.

You're caught in a never-ending cycle of High Cortisol, Low Testosterone, and an exercise routine that's more inclusive than the Fabled Unicorn.

But, fret not! Your fitness solution is here.

Struggle, meet solution: If you are tired of feeling lethargic, stiff, immobile, and not confident in your physicality, you have come to the right place.

It's time to get Fit, Lean, and Mobile because Fitness Matters.

Doesn't it?

Run with your kids again, feel good at the beach, and tackle the Office Fitness Challenge with Gusto, whatever your fitness goals, we'll get you there, So you can feel a sense of Physical Confidence and agency.

We will help you curate The Perfect Program for your goals.

You don't need to train every day, you Just Need to Train Smart.

That is what we will help you do.

Because Fitness Matters!


71 Alderson Street,

Newmarket, 4051 QLD.


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